

Mandatory pension schemes (basic and supplementary) have a steadily declining return, with the bitter realization of a reduced standard of living in the short term. Anticipate your needs, contribute now and receive a supplementary pension as soon as you retire.

For all those who wish to prepare for a retirement in line with their aspirations.

Contribute to an individual pension scheme by capitalization. This decision may be considered from an early age. For example, this individual pension scheme helps the insured to find the future financing that may be necessary in the event of loss of autonomy – in other words, in the context of total or partial dependence.

  • – Payment of your capital at the end of your career.
  • – A manager who guides you through many available insurance offers.
  • – A financial investment that will allow you to retire more satisfactorily.

With more than 70 years of activity in the insurance brokerage, our teams of managers recommend solutions that best suit your profile and requirements.


ASCOMA offers you the option of taking out a retirement savings and dependence policy.

Send us your questions and we will assist you